Thursday, December 13, 2012

Survival Mode

I am in survival mode. Every day I get up, eat, go to work and do pretty much the same thing. Occasionally I have the day off where I try to do something different. This usually consists of paying bills I have ignored, laundry, helping a friend, trying to find some other employment besides Walmart. Most of the time my days off include some sitting and tv watching as well because I am just way too overwhelmed by the things I need to do. My husband is great at encouraging and uplifting me but he's stuck in survival mode just as much as I am. He goes to school, goes to his rotations and does his best to help around the house. We both have hopes and dreams and it just feels like we are stuck until he graduates. Counting every penny, trying not to be a burden on society, desperately looking for some way to better our situation and coming up empty. Sometimes when the day is over it feels wasted. I know this will get better but when? I would like to know when please!

Of course it's not all bad. Counting the negatives never helps a situation. We are blessed to have student loans that cover our housing, blessed to be welcoming our baby boy in March and blessed to have a job (even if it is at Walmart ;) Blessed that Joey loves his program and knows so much about it. Blessed to have a testimony and to attend a church where I can continually learn and be uplifted by wonderful people who love Jesus Christ. Blessed to teach learn with the Young Women who already know so much. They are so strong and will be great teachers, leaders and mothers eventually. I am blessed to have a Heavenly Father who knows and loves me. I am surviving with his help and right now that's enough.

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